Woman in Pain at Desk with Coffee in Hand

Banish Pain At Its Roots Using Natural Medicine

Whilst the burden of pain can feel isolating, it is a road travelled by many. In fact, 3.4 million Australians suffer from persistent pain,¹ making it a commonly shared experience. For some, it’s a headache that feels like a thousand ice picks; for others, it’s shooting, surging and pulsing lower back pain. For others, a monthly visit from ‘Aunt Flo’ can be accompanied by the menacing sidekick, cramps or spasms. Whatever the cause, all pain has a common feature; it can prevent you from doing the things you love. Pain can hinder day-to-day activities, reduce socialisation, impact the quality of your relationships, and even cause emotional distress. Its reach is widespread so finding a safe and effective solution is key to ensuring you keep living your best life.

Pain: Friend Or Foe?

Pain is your body’s way of alerting you of a change in or challenge with your health. More specifically, pain is a major symptom of the inflammatory response, a normally short-lived process with one sole function: to protect our bodies from infection and injury. The redness, heat, swelling, pain and loss of function experienced during acute inflammation is your body’s way of telling you to take it easy while it recovers.

The inflammatory process consists of two phases – onset and resolution. During the onset phase, your body detects injury and responds by sending a clean-up crew of immune cells to clear the injured tissue, prevent the onset of infection, and guard against further damage. Once the clean-up crew has contained the damage from the injury, your cells shift into anti-inflammatory mode to promote resolution and a return to normal function.²

Can I Help Manage My Pain with Natural Pain Supplements?

Most people address pain with pain killers, including analgesics, opioids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Analgesics and opioid medications may provide some much-needed symptomatic relief, however these agents mask the pain rather than resolving it; they act upon the sensation of pain rather than addressing the inflammation that creates it. More often than not, once these medications wear off, the pain returns with the same ferocity as before. Whilst NSAIDs can reduce inflammation, long-term use is associated with unwanted side effects, the most prominent being gut pain and discomfort.

Fortunately, there is a safe and effective way to help speed up the process of healing and reduce pain along the way. This involves using natural anti-inflammatory medicines to target the driving force behind pain; inflammation. Not only are these medicines efficient at reducing inflammation and banishing pain at its roots, but they can also help reduce dependence on conventional pain killers and minimises the potential for side effects to arise.

Metagenics Pain Products on Red Background

3 Natural Medicines for Pain Relief

There are natural supplements available to help you overcome pain and inflammation from different origins including:

  1. PainX: A powder combination of enhanced absorption magnesium and PEA (Palmitoylethanolamide) that provides analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, reduces mild nerve pain and supports muscle relaxation, relieving mild muscle spasms and cramps. PainX may be suitable for mild nerve and muscle pain such as shoulder or back pain, neck pain or sciatic pain.
  2. PainX Headache & Migraine: Contains high strength, easily absorbed PEA combined with saffron for mild nerve pain and inflammation. It supports nervous system function to help break the cycle of pain. BioAbsorb PEA Advanced may be suitable for nerve & muscular pain such as sciatic pain, head and neck pain and trapped nerve pain.
  3. Inflavonoid Intensive Care: Combines herbal extracts and nutrients with natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects including turmeric, Boswellia, white willow, ginger, quercetin and citrus bioflavonoids. This combination may provide temporary relief of mild joint pain and inflammation associated with such conditions as mild arthritis and osteoarthritis.

As with conventional medicine, it is best to consult your Natural Health Practitioner to find out if these products will be a suitable addition to your pain management routine.

Live Pain-Free ASAP

Whilst it’s important to listen to your body’s signals and take time out when needed for healing, you can accelerate the healing process and leverage the power of natural pain supplements to help you minimise your pain ASAP. For those of you wishing to fast track your recovery, seek advice from a Natural Healthcare Practitioner for a personalised healthcare plan. In addition to building a natural medicine regimen, Practitioners are equipped to identify and remove any triggers that may worsen your pain. A holistic approach, bolstered by use of natural medicines, provides a safe and effective solution to managing pain and inflammation, enabling you to start living a happier and less-pained life.


  1. Pain Australia. Working together to address pain. Updated 2022. Accessed July 17, 2024. https://treasury.gov.au/sites/default/files/2021-05/171663_painaustralia_0.pdf
  2. Ortega-Gomez A, Perretti M, Soehnlein O. Resolution of inflammation: an integrated view. EMBO Mol Med 2013;5:661–674. doi: 10.1002/emmm.201202382.
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