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Your Guide to Probiotics: Everything You Need to Know

Probiotics are living bacteria that may provide the body with certain health benefits. Bacteria are important for human survival and reside on and within your body, collectively known as the microbiome. There are billions of different types of bacteria in your body, with 38 trillion of them living in your digestive tract.

Factors That Disrupt Gut Bacteria

Certain factors can disrupt the balance of bacteria and other organisms in your gut, which may contribute to digestive complaints and other health issues, such as:

  • Consuming alcohol
  • Poor dietary choices (processed foods or not enough fibre)
  • Certain medications, namely antibiotics
  • Stress and mood changes
  • Lack of exercise

Along with dietary and lifestyle changes, a daily probiotic supplement can be a great option to help support a healthy digestive system and maintain immune system function.

How Do I Know If My Gut Bacteria is Out of Balance?

When the bacteria in your digestive system is unbalanced, you might experience the following symptoms:

  • Bloating
  • Constipation and/or diarrhoea
  • Digestive discomfort or pain
  • Poor immunity (e.g. frequent colds and other mild upper respiratory tract infections)

How Can I Nourish My Gut?

There are many ways you can nourish your gut bacteria everyday:

  • Focus on a Diet Rich in Wholefoods – Wholefoods like fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, wholegrains, healthy proteins and fermented foods (kimchi, yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut) feed and maintain a healthy microbiome. Reduce your intake of ultra-processed foods (e.g. fast food, sugary drinks, bakery treats) as they have little nutritional value and can negatively impact on digestion.
  • Stay Active – Regular exercise has been linked to improved microbiome health and is important for overall wellbeing. Finding an activity that you enjoy, that also meets your fitness and health needs is important, such as hiking, dancing, cycling, running, Pilates, swimming, or interval training.
  • Manage Stress Levels – Ongoing stress may adversely affect your digestive and immune systems. Your healthcare Practitioner can support you with vitamins, herbs and nutrients to improve your stress management regime, as well as help you adopt a mood-enhancing lifestyle.
  • Get Enough Sleep – Did you know your sleep quality impacts digestive and microbiome health? To improve your sleep habits and support your gut health, establish a relaxing, pre-sleep ritual such as stretches, breathing exercises or herbal tea, steer clear of electronic devices (with their stimulating blue light) at least 30 minutes before bed and avoid stimulants such as coffee late in the afternoon.
Good Gut Health

Do I Need a Probiotic Supplement?

A probiotic supplement may be suitable to support a healthy gut microbiome, especially if you’re experiencing digestive symptoms, have poor immunity, are taking a course antibiotics or are pregnant or breastfeeding. A trusted healthcare practitioner can recommend a probiotic supplement with a particular type (strain) of bacteria, at a dose that is best suited to you. Each probiotic strain is different and has different therapeutic benefits such as relief from digestive discomfort, improved immune health or support for your energy levels.

What are the Benefits of Probiotics?

The benefits of certain probiotic strains and combinations are varied - for example:

  • Ultra Flora GI Soothe: Contains Lactobacillus plantarum 299v, a specialised probiotic that has been clinically shown to assist in the management of medically diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms.
  • Ultra Flora Intensive Care: Contains 22.5 billion live probiotics from three key evidence-based probiotic strains for restoring good bacteria in your microbiome, especially after a course of antibiotics.
  • UltraFlora Women's Probiotic: Much like the digestive tract, the vagina has its own unique microbiome that can be disrupted by medication, hormonal changes and lifestyle habits. UltraFlora Women's Probiotic provides triple action support for women’s urogenital health and microflora with Lactobacillus rhamnosus (GR-1™), Lactobacillus reuteri (RC-14™) and soothing liquorice.
  • Ultra Flora Immune Enhance: Contains an exclusive combination of immune-stimulating probiotic strains, to enhance healthy immune system function and reduce the duration and severity of common cold symptoms so you can feel better sooner.
  • Ultra Flora Mother and Baby: Provides specialised probiotics to support maternal health and wellbeing and assist baby’s development during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How do I Know if a Probiotic is High Quality?

Metagenics probiotic supplements meet strict criteria to ensure a high standard of quality:

  • The specific strains used have a large body of evidence to support their safety and efficacy in humans.
  • They only contain bacteria that can survive the conditions of stomach acid and bile to reach the intestines intact.
  • We adhere to specialised manufacturing practices and packaging to protect against damage from light, temperature and moisture fluctuations. Convenient, fridge-free Metagenics probiotic supplements use Activ-Vial™ double wall technology to protect from moisture, light and heat, ensuring the product remains active, even after you’ve opened the bottle.
  • Products are consistently tested to ensure every capsule is of a high quality and clinically effective.
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