Woman breathing to manage anxiety

4 Simple Daily Habits to Manage Your Anxiety

It is estimated that around 1 in 4 Australians will experience anxiety at some stage in their life.¹ Ranging in severity from a background level of worry to an overpowering force, anxiety can lead to difficulty sleeping, a racing heart, panic attacks, fatigue, digestive upset, sweating or headaches.

While anxiety can often feel insurmountable, there are several worry-busting habits and anxiety supplements to help minimise its effects. Read on to discover our top 4 habits that can leave you feeling calmer and more in control.

Top 4 Habits to Help Manage Anxiety

1. Practice Being Present

Mindfulness is the act of focusing on the present moment, drawing your attention away from the incessant mental clutter and anxious thoughts by tuning in to your physical senses (i.e. what is happening in your environment and body).

When you’re in the grip of anxiety, mindfulness may seem impossible. However, a growing body of scientific research shows that practicing mindfulness daily can actually help break the cycle of worry,² making it one of the most effective habits for gaining peace of mind.

Here are some tips to make developing a mindfulness practice easier:

  • Start with just five minutes per day, and slowly work your way up to 20 minutes. Research has shown that 20 minutes or more provides the greatest benefit for relieving anxiety
  • Use guided meditations and breathing exercises to keep you focused. There are plenty of free videos on YouTube and apps to download if you’re away from home
  • Work mindfulness into your daily routine, like meditating on your lunch break. Making it part of your routine means that you’re more likely to stick with it and feel long-lasting benefits
  • If anxiety makes it difficult for you to sit still, consider going for a walk. Concentrate on the sights and sounds around you, the feeling of your body moving, and the sensation of the wind on your skin. Engaging your senses helps keep you grounded. If you notice your mind wandering, gently bring it back to the present moment

2. Journal to Unjumble Your Thoughts

Man Journalling in Bed

Journaling regularly can help you express and understand your anxiety triggers.

By putting your worries down on paper, journaling can help you deconstruct anxious thoughts, examine emotions and situations, or even help you seek solutions to your triggers.

Here are two journalling methods that may be helpful for anxiety:

  • Exploratory journaling involves 10 to 15 minutes of writing down whatever is on your mind, as fast as you can, without judging yourself. This approach can help you identify thoughts and feelings, including those you may be unaware of, that could be contributing to your anxiety. Seeing them written down on paper can help you ‘fact-check’ anxious thoughts (i.e. consider whether they are accurate) and gain greater clarity about the thoughts and feelings that are making you anxious. This can help you become more aware of your triggers, which is the first step towards managing them.
  • Action-focused journaling can help you develop an action plan to deal with ongoing situations that trigger your anxiety. Setting aside 10 to 15 minutes for this exercise, begin writing about a problem or situation that contributes to your anxiety (e.g. poor time management). Next, brainstorm some steps you could take to overcome the problem (e.g. creating a schedule), and break these into smaller action items (e.g. set up a calendar to track of your schedule or set reminders to help you stick to it). Lastly, create some realistic, achievable goals to help you complete these actions. Monitor your progress on a regular basis and celebrate any positive changes you’ve experienced since implementing your action plan.

3. Sweat it Out with Exercise

Aside from serving as a distraction, exercise has been shown to bump up your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters³ – leaving you feeling more relaxed.

Neurotransmitters are messenger molecules that influence your mood. Boosting feel-good neurotransmitters can reduce anxiety and relieve muscle tension.

A successful exercise regime can involve any kind of physical activity, such as walking, skipping, dancing, swimming, weightlifting or hiking. Essentially, it can be anything that moves your body for at least 2.5 to 5 hours per week. Start by easing yourself in with a few shorter sessions and then carve out some time in your schedule to make exercise a consistent habit. Asking a friend or family member to join you adds the extra bonus of connecting with loved ones who can help you feel supported as you work to improve your anxiety.

4. Natural Medicine for Anxiety

For centuries, herbal medicine has been used to help soothe an anxious mind. The best supplement for anxiety is NeuroCalm Soothe, which combines the benefits of three key botanicals - lavender, lemonbalm and theanine (from green tea). These herbs are traditionally used in Western herbal medicine to calm the mind, relieve restlessness, decrease mental overactivity, reduce the occurrence of mild anxiety symptoms and support emotional and general mental wellbeing. NeuroCalm Soothe can be used for patients feeling panicky, to soothe their nervous system and alleviate mild anxiety symptoms, as has been used in traditional Western herbal medicine.

In addition, a magnesium bisglycinate supplement, which combines magnesium with glycine, may offer several benefits during times of mild anxiety and nervous unrest. Magnesium assists with the metabolism and synthesis of the calming neurotransmitter GABA, supports muscle relaxation and can be depleted during times of stress. As an added bonus, glycine can also increase feelings of calmness. Explore the range of Metagenics magnesium supplements here to help you find the right product for your situation.

Build Your ‘Anxiety Toolkit’ & Regain A Sense of Calm

When it comes to easing the symptoms of your anxiety, mindfulness, journaling and regular exercise can offer profound benefits and are great foundations for your ‘anxiety toolkit’. Beyond this, there are a range of supplements for anxiety in the form of herbs and nutrients that can also bring a greater sense of calm. Anxiety can be difficult to manage as it manifests in different ways for everyone, so it’s best to consult a Healthcare Practitioner for help finding high quality treatment options that are best suited to your particular case. A combination of diet and lifestyle changes alongside anxiety supplements can help you manage your anxiety, empowering you to get back to the life you love, naturally.

You can also reach out to Beyond Blue (all ages) or headspace (12-25 year olds) for further assistance and support in managing your anxiety and emotions.


  1. Beyond Blue. Anxiety. Updated 2024. Accessed 17 June. 2024. https://www.beyondblue.org.au/mental-health/anxiety
  2. Dawson AF, Brown WW, Anderson J, Datta B, Donald JN, Hong K, et al. Mindfulness-based interventions for university students: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Appl Psychol Health Well Being. 2019;19. doi: 10.1111/aphw.12188.
  3. Lin TW, Kuo YM. Exercise benefits brain function: the monoamine connection. Brain Sci. 2013;3(1):39-53. doi:10.3390/brainsci3010039
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