Two women exercising

The 5 Best Supplements for Women’s Health

Women are incredible, with bodies that thrive despite undertaking immense changes throughout life. Whether experiencing menstruation or PMS, hormone imbalance or pregnancy, vaginal changes, the mental (over) load or fluctuations in skin health, women’s health is unique and can be complex. That’s why we’ve designed products specifically for women and the distinctive health challenges we may face. Here are our top 5 supplements for women’s health and female wellbeing:

1. FemmeX

FemmeX is a magnesium powder specifically formulated for women. It provides carefully selected minerals and vitamins for women to support healthy hormonal balance, relieve symptoms of stress and support the everyday functioning of the female body. FemmeX contains chromium and inositol to support glucose metabolism and iodine and selenium to maintain healthy thyroid levels. It contains vitamins B5,B6, B12, zinc, magnesium and other nutrients to support the production of healthy female reproductive hormones, relieve symptoms of premenstrual tension and reduce pain associated with menstruation.

High dose magnesium bisglycinate (Meta Mag®) has been included for its superior absorption in the body and may help to support a healthy stress response and general mental wellbeing. Research shows that females are more likely to experience high levels of stress than males.¹ One of the greatest sources of stress for women (especially mothers) is the invisible ‘mental load’ of details and to-do lists of family life and household tasks required to make sure everyone’s needs are met.² And this often manifests as emotional exhaustion. Magnesium plays a key role in balancing the body’s stress response but stress itself can deplete the body of magnesium.³ This means when you’re stressed, you have higher magnesium requirements, which can often only be met with a magnesium supplement.

FemmeX may be suitable for women feeling overwhelmed and stressed, who experience premenstrual tension and period pain and want to support healthy hormone and thyroid balance.

2. Femme Essentials

Femme Essentials is a specialised women’s multivitamin with antioxidant support. Women and men have different nutritional needs, and a multivitamin should reflect these differences. Women between the ages of 19 and 50 have greater iron requirements than men due to menstrual blood loss and Femme Essentials provides 5mg of highly absorbable iron bisglycinate (Meta Fe®) per dose to support blood health. Femme Essentials also contains high levels of ratio-balanced B vitamins to support energy production and cognitive function, calcium and vitamin D3 to maintain bone health, a range of antioxidant nutrients to reduce free radical damage in the female body plus the benefits of broccoli powder.

Femme Essentials may be beneficial for women looking for a high quality, female-specific multivitamin for everyday nutritional and antioxidant support.

3. UltraFlora Women's Probiotic

UltraFlora Women's Probiotic is a triple action formula designed to support vaginal microflora and urogenital health. The vagina has its own unique microbiome, high in lactobacilli bacteria, that can be easily disrupted by medication, hormonal changes and lifestyle habits (you can read more about this here). And this imbalance can lead to vaginal and urinary tract irritation and issues. UltraFlora Women's Probiotic is a tailored supplement for women that contains two key probiotic strains, Lactobacillus rhamnosus (GR-1™) and Lactobacillus reuteri (RC-14™), to support healthy vaginal flora. Plus, the addition of deglycyrrhizinated liquorice root extract (GutGard®), which is traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to relieve inflammation and soothe irritated tissues, temporarily reduce excessive vaginal discharge and relieve the burning sensation associated with medically-diagnosed cystitis.

UltraFlora Women's Probiotic may be suitable for women wanting to restore vaginal flora balance, especially after a course of antibiotics, who may be prone to thrush and for those experiencing inflammation and irritation due to medically diagnosed cystitis or other urogenital troubles.

4. PMS Ease

PMS Ease contains a combination of herbs, minerals and vitamins for women to support healthy hormone balance. PMS Ease provides high dose Vitex Agnus Castus to help regulate the menstrual cycle and relieve symptoms of premenstrual tension including irritability, mood changes and breast tenderness. You can read more about tips to manage period pain and your menstrual cycle in this article. It also contains vitamin B6 to support healthy hormone balance during the female reproductive cycle. Withania and other nutrients have also been included to relieve tiredness and reduce symptoms of stress.

PMS Ease may be beneficial for women looking for healthy hormone balance and to regulate their menstrual cycle, who may be experiencing premenstrual symptoms such as mood swings and irritability and for those who are feeling stressed.

5. Pregnancy Care Advanced

The nutritional needs of women increase considerably during pregnancy and breastfeeding to support all of the changes that occur, to prepare the body for delivery and breastfeeding and to ensure the normal development of the baby. Pregnancy Care Advanced provides specialised nutrition to support the health of the mother and baby during preconception, pregnancy and breastfeeding. It contains nutrients that reflect the latest research in prenatal health to support preconception and maintain the healthy development of the baby once conception occurs. Pregnancy Care Advanced contains active folate (5-MTHF), which is critical for preventing neural tube defects in the developing baby, plus B vitamins, calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium, vitamin D3 to support a healthy pregnancy. Taking a high quality and tailored prenatal women’s multivitamin like Pregnancy Care Advanced can also help to prevent nutrient deficiencies in breastfeeding women and breastfed healthy infants.

Pregnancy Care Advanced may be suitable for women trying to fall pregnant, throughout the duration of their pregnancy and continued whilst breastfeeding.

For expert advice, find a Healthcare Practitioner near you to discuss your women’s health needs and experience the difference that personalised care makes.


  1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). Stress and Trauma. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare; 2024. Accessed June 20, 2024.
  2. Reich-Stiebert N, Froehlich L, Voltmer JB. Gendered mental labor: A systematic literature review on the cognitive dimension of unpaid work within the household and childcare. Sex Roles. 2023;88(11-12):475-494. doi:10.1007/s11199-023-01362-0
  3. Pickering G et al. Magnesium status and stress: the vicious circle concept revisited. Nutrients. 2020;12(12):3672. doi: 10.3390/nu12123672
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